If your training grant application was successful, congratulations! Now the rewarding work begins!
When you receive the Notice of Award (NoA), expect to work with the Award Acceptance and Set-up Team from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) to set up the award. The award set-up process is important for ensuring training grant management success! Certain steps (e.g. compliance, complete RAMP Record, etc.) must be finalized before spending on the award. For details on award set-up, please visit RSP’s award set-up webpage.
Get to know your training grant!
Before getting started familiarize yourself with the following items:
Notice of Award (NoA)
Your NoA provides the terms and conditions of your unique training grant and lists the contact information for your grant’s Program Official and Grants Specialist. Access your NoA in eRA Commons.
NIH Grants Policy Statement
The NIH Grants Policy Statement includes information on the trainee period of support, allowable and unallowable costs, stipend levels, and many other relevant policy issues.