The Office of Training Grant Support (OTGS) has partnered with the SMPH medRAMP Office (Office of Research AdMinistration and Proposal Development Services) to develop the Training Grant Proposal Library, a repository of successful examples of NIH and HRSA Institutional Training Grant proposals (e.g., T32, T35, etc.) and associated summary statements. This as a centralized resource for UW–Madison Training Grant Directors, Training Grant Administrators, and other UW–Madison faculty members and associated administrators interested in submitting a Training Grant application.
Accessing the Training Grant Proposal Library
Sample training grant proposals in the repository are restricted to UW–Madison Training Grant Directors, Training Grant Administrators, and other UW–Madison faculty and associated administrators interested in submitting Institutional Training Grant applications (e.g., NIH, HRSA, AHRQ, etc.) with an active NetID account. To request access, please contact OTGS Associate Director, Mallory Musolf at
Sharing Successful Proposals
Training grant PIs are encouraged to share successful proposals (either full proposals or sections) and accompanying summary statements. PIs interested in sharing their recent proposal in the library may do so by completing a consent form. The medRAMP Office will work with you to finalize the process of adding your proposal to the repository. If you are willing to share your proposal, please return the completed and signed consent form to the medRAMP email address at and attach a copy of the materials you wish to share. If you prefer medRAMP download a copy of the application from Cayuse for you, please indicate as such on the consent form.